Test Case1: Verify the login functionality with valid Username and Password
Test Case2: Verify the error message with both invalid fields
Test Case3: Verify the error message with invalid Username and valid Password
Test Case4: Verify the error message with valid Username and invalid Password
Test Case5: Verify the “Remember Me” functionality
Test Case6: Verify the “Forgot Password” functionality
Test Case7: Verify if there is a ‘Cancel’ button available to erase the entered text.
Test Case8: Verify that password is showing in the form of an asterisk
Test Case9: Verify that “Enter” key is working fine the login page
Test Case10: Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the specified range
in each field (Username and Password).
Test Case11: Verify the login page by pressing the ‘Back button’ of the browser.
Test Case12: Verify the timeout of the functionality of the login session.
Test Case13: Verify the login page and all its controls in different browsers
Test Case14: Verify if a user should not be allowed to log in with different credentials
from the same browser at the same time.
Test Case15: Verify if a user should be able to login with the same credentials in
different browsers at the same time.
Test Case16: Verify the Login page against the SQL injection attack.
Test Case17: Verify the implementation of the SSL certificate.
Test Case18: Verify the time taken to log in with a valid Username and Password.
Test Case19: Verify if the font, text color and color-coding of the Login page is as per
the standard.
Test Case 20: Empty spaces should not be allowed
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